Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence

Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence


Full Moon Luna Essence is intentionally handmade to harvest, harness, the medicinal & healing energies of each Full Moon. Created with intuitively chosen herbs, essential oils, crystals, music, dance, & Reiki. This particular brew was made under the Taurus on November 19th , 2021.


Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways and can be used at any point and time. However you decide to use it, is ultimately up to you! She works best when cleansing spaces, charging spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use before doing work with the Moon. Pair it while Luna (at any phase) is in Taurus again to deepen your connection to the allure of Luna, and or boost in your manifestations/intention settings!


Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence has the aroma of an abundant flower field hidden deep in an enchanted forest. She is refreshing, woody & sweet in scent. With underlying notes of eucalyptus, Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence will clear your nostrils, allowing you to full engage in the sensations that this brew has to offer.


A Meaningful Dream blesses Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence with Reiki, carefully written intentions that are specific, & flow with, Luna’s medicine she offers the collective that night. This batch will help connect the energies as above, so below.

Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence was created under the longest Lunar Eclipse we’ve had in 600 years! Therefore, making this brew EXTRA POTENT! She is incredibly grounding & will help you sort through any emotional weight you may be unnecessarily carrying for years, generations, & etc. Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence will help you focus on what is truly important & remove energies are not supportive of your desires, goals or ambitions. She’ll assist you in healing shadow aspects of yourself that are toxic to your well-being. This batch has intentions of elevating oneself to higher states of consciousness in a graceful way, along with providing clarity for your souls journey. Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence will encourage you to be still, silence the distractions, slow down, & be more present in the moment. You may notice you utilizing your time better with this too. She’ll call attention to your home, meaning your body & where you reside, in order to restore balance & harmony. You will notice the beauty your birth suit has & find unconditional gratitude for the power it holds. Feeling sexy & embracing your hotness is included with these intentions too!

Taurus Luna Essence will call attention to your physical, spiritual, mental, & emotional health. In the depths of your soul, lies your gold- which is what Taurus Luna Essence will show. Be prepared to tune into your leadership skills & full authentic self when using this too. She may bring up old karmic patterns that need to be broken, along with any over-indulgent behavior, & procrastination habits. You won’t be able to avoid your hearts calling anymore, for Taurus Luna Essence will give you the push to take a leap of faith on yourself- especially if its “unconventional”. Expect to be drawn to plant medicine & plant communication with this brew. She’ll ask you to uphold your boundaries with courage & strength, in favor of protecting your energy, no matter who it is, or what the situation calls for. May she give you all of these intentions & then some. So dope it be.

Before spraying Taurus Full Moon Luna Essence, say the mantra “I am grounded in gold” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you! Play the songs used to charge this batch too, they are listed below!


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream, with mica, Reiki’d filtered water, alcohol, charged by the Taurus Full Moon, Lunar Eclipse on November 19th 2021. Herbs: Coco, Licorice Root, Lemon, Money Tree Root, Mullein, Barberry Root, Lilac, Galangal, Motherwort, Elderflower, Elderberry, Hops, Witches Grass, Rosemary, Cardamon, White Thyme, Vanilla, Clover, Ambergris, Honeysuckle, Clove, Cypress, & Eucalyptus. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON), Serpentine, Desert Rose, Carnelian, Epidote, Bronzite, Septarian, Blue Dalmatian Jasper . Other: Lady Bugs & Lamb Bone. Songs: “First Train Home” By: Imogen Heap & “Gold” By: GRiZ

**Not for consumption, and A Meaningful Dream is not responsible for any misuse or reactions of products**

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