Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence


Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence is moon water, intentionally handmade to embody the medicinal & healing energy of Luna during her fullest & brightest time. Made on the night of the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, May 16th, 2022. All Luna Essence’s are intuitively put together, include ethically sourced materials, brewed in small batches, & created in ritual with music, dance & Reiki.

Lunar Eclipses are powerful energy portals that give us an opportunity to take quantum leaps forward through reflection & taking actions on your highest callings. Eclipses are rare & only occur during a 35 day period throughout the year. They also bring change, fated moments, & destiny.


Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence has the aroma of finding hidden treasures tucked away in the shadows of your attic or grandmothers home.

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence will help show you the shackles & binds that have been holding you back from your truest potential. She will encourage you to release old stories, habits, & behaviors, that no longer serves you or the path forward. Scorpio Luna Eclipse Luna Essence will reconnect you to your past lives, magick, & unique talents. She will remind you why you reincarnated on Mother Earth. Along with assisting you in breaking generational karma within your family. Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence will inspire you with strength to withhold boundaries with yourself & others. May she give you all of these intentions & then some. So dope it be.

Before spraying Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence, say the mantra “I am unbound from the past” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you!


Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways, & at any point in time. Follow your intuition with how you choose to use Luna Essence in your life. She works best when cleansing spaces (like your home), charging spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use when working with Luna. Pair it while Luna (at any phase) is in Scorpio again to deepen your connection even further.


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream with: mica, Reiki, water, rain water, alcohol, charged under the Libra Full Moon on April 16th, 2022. Herbs: Lilac, Lemon, Chamomile, Patchouli, Turmeric, Lime, Peppermint, Papaya Seeds, Spruce Tips, Pumpkin, Avocado Nut, Cherry Blossom, Purple Dead Nettle, Dandelion, Bee Pollen, Hemp Leaf, Bonsai Tree, Dirt, & Violet. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON), Selenite, Rose Quartz, Blue Lace Agate, Meteorite, White Aragonite Other: Snake Skin, & Fox Fur.

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