Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence

Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence


Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence is moon water, intentionally handmade to embody the medicinal & healing energy of Luna during her darkest & most mysterious time. Made on the night of the Taurus Solar Eclipse, April 30th, 2022. All Luna Essence’s are intuitively put together, include ethically sourced materials, brewed in small batches, & created in ritual with music, dance & Reiki.

This brew is extra special due to it being a Solar Eclipse, which only occurs during a 35 period throughout the year. Solar Eclipses rule changes, enlightenment, fated occurrences, & destiny.


Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence has the aroma of a herbal incense burning, with a tangy tea served on the side during a dewey, breezy, sunny, retreat in the forest.

Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence will help you tune deeply into your body’s needs. Meaning, she will help you heighten your intuitive abilities to better identify anything happening in your physical space & offer you the guidance towards the right medicine for you. Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence will encourage you to listen to your inner wisdom & make decisions based off your knowing. She will also enlighten any hidden talents or gifts you harbor through resting. Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence will show you how taking a break is more productive than action at times. You may desire to be in solitude with this brew, allowing you more room to explore your soul. May she give you all of these intentions & more. So dope it be.

Before spraying Taurus Solar Eclipse Luna Essence, say the mantra “I am resting to recharge” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you!


New Moon Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways and can be used at any point and time. She’s specifically made for working with Luna to boost your manifestation intentions, shadow work, new beginnings, dream recall, & to deepen intuitive abilities. However you decide to use it, is ultimately up to you! Luna Essences also work well when creating a sacred space, charging any of your spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use before invoking Luna. To really deepen your connection with Mother Moon, Pair it while Luna is in Taurus again.


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream, in ritual & in small batches, with mica, Reiki, water, alcohol, created under the Taurus Solar Eclipse on April 30th 2022. Herbs: Thyme, Lavender, Basil, Pink Grapefruit, Frankincense, Cinnamon, Money Tree, Lungwort, Bay Leaves, Coffee, Egg Shells, Pistachio Shells, 4 Leaf Clover, Dandelion, Violet, Daffodil, Pine, Magnolia, Bee Pollen. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON), Pyrite, Rose Quartz, Citrine, Blue Kyanite, Amethyst, Libyan Desert Glass, Tigers Eye. Other: Lady Bug, Spider, & Birds Nest.

**Not for consumption. A Meaningful Dream is not responsible for any misuse or reactions of any offering or product**

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