Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence


Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence is moon water, intentionally handmade to embody the medicinal & healing energy of Luna during her most transformative, fated time. Made under the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse, May 5th, 2023. All Luna Essence’s are intuitively put together, include ethically sourced materials, brewed in small batches, & created in ritual with music, dance & Reiki.


Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence has the aroma of a deep forest hike during the sunrise on a Sun-day, morning. Mixed with the bitter sweet secrets of Friday night with hidden mysterious revealed in layers.

Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Luna Essence will invite you to re-remember your deep ancestral roots, eons ago & welcome the medicine in the present & into the future. She will encourage communication with ancestors & starseeds known & unknown. This brew will offer the secrets of your treasure by encouraging you to embrace your shadows as your light. Scorpio Luna Eclipse Luna Essence will invoke great change & open the path of the healer/medicine being for you. So dope it be.

Before spraying Leo Full Moon Luna Essence, say the mantra “I am ancient wisdom” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you!


Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways, & at any point in time. Follow your intuition with how you choose to use Luna Essence in your life. She works best when cleansing spaces (like your home), charging spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use when working with Luna. Pair it while Luna (at any phase) is in Scorpio again to deepen your connection even further.


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream with: mica, Reiki, water, alcohol, charged on the Scorpio Lunar Eclipse on May 5th, 2023. Herbs: Nag Champa, Peppermint, Neroli, Jasmine, Camphor, Ravensua, Oakmoss, Hemp Leaves, Tobacco, Cedar, Garlic, Cherry Blossom, Daffodil, Apple Blossoms, Devil Pods, Pepino Pepper, Magnolia, Red Bud, Forsythia, Willow, Grape Hyacinth, Marigold, Violet Lead, Cacao, & Honey. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON).

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