Pisces Full Moon Luna Essence

Pisces Full Moon Luna Essence


Luna Essence (Full Moon Water) is intentionally handmade to harvest, harness, and utilize the medicinal and healing energies of each Full Moon. Created with intuitively chosen herbs, essential oils, crystals, music, dance, and even Reiki. This particular brew was made under the Pisces on September 20th , 2021.


Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways and can be used at any point and time. However you decide to use it, is ultimately up to you! She works best when cleansing spaces, charging spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use before doing work with the Moon. Pair it while Luna (at any phase) is in Pisces again to deepen your connection to the allure of Luna, and or boost in your manifestations/intention settings!


Pisces Luna Essence has the aroma of Heaven & Earth coming together. With an ethereal uplifting floral mixed with grounding scents. You’ll feel as if you’re on cloud 9, yet rooted deep into Gaia.


A Meaningful Dream blesses Pisces Luna Essence with Reiki, carefully written intentions that are specific, and flow with, Luna’s medicine she offers the collective that night. This batch will help connect the energies as above, so below. She will aid in helping you expand your consciousness on a soul level. Showing you that there is so much yet to be discovered about ourselves. Pisces Luna Essence will encourage you to have better life-work balance, along with putting you back on the path towards your dharma. She will also help attract your soul-tribe, manifest opportunities for personal & spiritual growth too. Pisces Luna Essence encourages you to fly your freak flag, & live your truth how ever you see fit. You may find yourself dabbling in art, music, & literature as a way of self-expression too. She’ll open up your chakras, allowing for deep healing, along with new (or what would seem so) psychic abilities coming to the surface. With this brew, past life memories will occur, along with the past resurfacing in order to be forgiven. Pisces Luna Essence will also help with forgiving oneself, & letting go of judgements, or any grudges. She’s all about receiving your birthright abundance too, as she was created under the Harvest Moon. Pisces Luna Essence is like attending a moon circle with your soul-family. May she give you all of these intentions & then some. So dope it be.

Before spraying Pisces Luna Essence, say the mantra “I am expanding” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you! Play the songs used to charge this batch too, they are listed below!


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream, with mica, Reiki’d filtered water, vodka, charged by the Pisces Full Moon on September 20th 2021. Herbs: Mushroom, Raw Tobacco Leaves Corn Husk, Rainbow Corn, Cinnamon Sticks, Hemp Leaves, Apples, Pumpkin, Globe Amaranth, Marigold, Bee Pollen, Frankincense, Star Anise, Rose, Patchouli, Neroli, Clary Sage, Tomato Leaf, Parsley, & Oregano. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON), Petrified Wood, Larimar, Fluorite, Flower Agate, Moss Agate, & Gold. Other: Black Bear Hair. Songs: “Ace of Cups” By: LSD Dream & “Equilibrium” By: Darius & WAYNE SNOW.

**Not for consumption, and A Meaningful Dream is not responsible for any misuse or reactions of products**

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