Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence

Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence


Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence is moon water, intentionally handmade to embody the medicinal & healing energy of Luna during her darkest & most mysterious time. Made on the night of the Sagittarius New Moon, December 12th, 2023. All Luna Essence’s are intuitively put together, include ethically sourced materials, brewed in small batches, & created in ritual with music, dance & Reiki.


Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence has the aroma of a cup of warmed spice tea served on an eve with freshly baked cinnamon cookies.

Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence will show you how to clearly focus on your sovereignty & dreams so you may stay true to your expansive mission. She will ask you to tunnel vision on your hearts desires & what you’d like to manifest. This brew assists you in the transformation of your beliefs, how you move in the World, where devoted action is needed, & who you truly are becoming & more. Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence will ask you to forgive but not forget, & to take lessons offered within the last year & apply them forward into the future. She offers many opportunities for massive exploration when you trust in Divine Guidance. Know that with sustainable change, we must take one step at a time. Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence provides support so you may enjoy the journey, & create joy in the process of fate. Slow & steady with dedication wins it all. So dope it be.

Before spraying Sagittarius New Moon Luna Essence, say the mantra “I explore my heart” three times. This will activate the magic Luna and A Meaningful Dream have to offer you! Shake it up to see the sparkles!


New Moon Luna Essence can be utilized in a variety of ways and can be used at any point and time. She’s specifically made for working with Luna to boost your manifestation intentions, shadow work, new beginnings, dream recall, & to deepen intuitive abilities. However you decide to use it, is ultimately up to you! Luna Essences also work well when creating a sacred space, charging any of your spiritual tools (ie. crystals, tarot cards), in meditation, divination work, before bed for dream recall, before/in/after a bath, a magical body perfume, or to use before invoking Luna. To really deepen your connection with Mother Moon, Pair it while Luna is in Sagittarius again.


Handmade by A Meaningful Dream, in ritual & in small batches, with mica, Reiki, water, alcohol, created under the Sagittarius New Moon, December 12th, 2023. Herbs: Nag Champa, Coffee, Clove, Oregano, Clary Sage, White Thyme, Cinnamon, Gerniuam, Birch Bark, White Sage, Hemp Leaves, Yellow Dock, Lungwort, Zinna, Blue Lotus, Rose, Cornflower, Uva Ursi, & Marigold. Crystals: Lunar Meteorites (pieces of the ACTUAL MOON), Aztlan Alien Artifact (Ojuelos de Jalisco), Rose Quartz, Mars Meteorite, Green Aventurine, Sodalite, & Blue Kyanite. Other: Charged on an intentional altar. Music: Sagittarius New Moon Playlist, here.

**Not for consumption. A Meaningful Dream is not responsible for any misuse or reactions of any offering or product**

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