Luna Spell Candle

Luna Spell Candle


Luna Spell Candle is intentionally handmade to invoke the Mother medicine, magic, & healing that Luna provides at any phase or cycle she is in. Also to connect you to the cycles of the moon, the Divine Feminine, to help you understand your emotions, & heed your intuition. So dope it be.

**Keep in mind that this is a spell candle & can become a fire hazard if you leave the candle unattended. Be sure to cut the wick as it melts**


Handmade in small batches, in ritual by A Meaningful Dream with ethically sourced materials: Reiki, Beeswax, Mica, Ylang Ylang, Neroli, Geranium, Chamomile, Pennroyal, Wormwood, Blue Vervain, & Yerba Santa.

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